SafeShare Coupon & Review

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SafeShare Review – Is it Better than YouTube Premium?

In this review of SafeShare, the article will give a description of the software. Also, reasons will be given on the importance of choosing the product. Key features of SafeShare shall also be listed as well as how it works and thus showing the quality of the software. There will also be an FAQ section that will answer some general queries about the software.

This SafeShare review shall also give an overview of its website. This will be to enable easier navigation through it both for new visitors as well as return ones. Also, how to order for the product shall be explained in detail and also the payment process. A customer service section shall also be included in this review. This will give visitors to the website choices on how to contact SafeShare for purposes of support if the need should arise.

What is SafeShare?

SafeShare coupon codeSafeShare is a website with the capability of allowing users to watch videos on Vimeo and YouTube without advertising, annotations, or links. The software can be used by a wide range of people such as teachers, parents, webmasters, and marketing operators. It can also be used in institutions such as schools, universities, or other educational centers. SafeShare’s mission is to offer an environment where videos can be shared with no distractions.

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What is SafeShare Used for?

SafeShare can be used by parents, teachers, webmasters, marketing operators among others.

Teachers for instance are given the opportunity to be able to share videos with their students. And this can be done without worrying about the content being inappropriate. It also saves time on not having to download and convert a video in order to be able to share it. Also, the risk of potentially inappropriate ad pre-rolls or other nuisances does not arise. Therefore, it is just plain educational content. For parents, the same factor of inappropriate content comes in, issues such as age-restricted content and use of filters keep parent’s minds at ease. When it comes to individuals such as marketing operators, YouTube does allow for a start-time for a video, but not an end-time. Neither can one edit the title or description of a video. But on SafeShare, this is possible; therefore, marketers, webmasters, and others have this editing capability to customize videos. These are just some of the reasons that SafeShare is used for.

Why Should We Choose SafeShare?

SafeShare removes advertisements, links, and annotations from videos on YouTube and Vimeo. For this purpose, the software is ideal for use by teachers, marketers, and parents alike. The software enables teachers to edit videos. This could be to view particular sections of videos and subsequently share them with others. This can be done via Google Classroom, different social media platforms such as Facebook, and also via email. When it comes to editing capabilities, the administrator can change the title and description of the video before sharing. This is part of the SafeView option. It also allows one to edit the start and endpoints of the video to avoid loss of time. This software is ideal for marketers, teachers, parents, and a range of other individuals. SafeShare also allows users to create and customize playlists, record contact details, and even shorten URLs. Administrators can also preview videos before sharing them with others. Also, for reasons of security, SafeShare assists webmasters share a QR code or link with individuals allowing only specific persons to view certain videos.

Key Features:

Below are a few of the features that SafeShare has:

  • The software allows individuals to watch videos without advertisements, notations, links, or any other distractions.
  • SafeShare enables one to edit and cut the videos in order to show only the part that one is interests in.
  • SafeShare can also be shared directly on Google Classroom and other social media platforms such as Facebook.
  • The software offers one the capability to check the privacy settings of a video and set them accordingly.
  • SafeShare also has the feature that allows the user to create playlists and groups within its subscription.
  • Once a video has been created, SafeShare allows one to generate custom or short URLs.
  • It has barcode recognition capabilities.
  • SafeShare has assessment management features.
  • Communication management features are also available.
  • SafeShare has a feature that allows the user to manage the contacts in their subscription.
  • Curriculum management capabilities.
  • Video streaming features.

How Does SafeShare Work?

Once one finds the desired video on YouTube or Vimeo that they would like to share, the first step is to copy the link of the particular video. Move on to the SafeShare website. Place your cursor on the area indicated ‘Paste YouTube or Vimeo URL’ and paste the link on and click on enter to create a SafeView. Before showing the video, one may use the edit features to set a start and endpoint on the video. This will help save time to avoid an individual searching for the right spot during class. The title, as well as the description, may also be edited should one wish to do so. Once all this is done then one can click on Submit and the new URL will be generated. This new URL is what can be shared and the final video won’t have any advertisements, notations, or links.

SafeShare FAQs:

  • How is SafeShare’s service different from emailing a video link or embedding options?

A YouTube or Vimeo link being emailed will come together with the related videos. It will also come with advertisements, other links, and notations for the video being shared. The same will happen with embedded videos. They will also show other distracting functionalities. SafeShare will show only the intended video without the accompanying links, related videos, notations, or any other distractions. It also offers the capability of cropping or sharing only a section of the video as opposed to the whole video.

  • But Vimeo and YouTube already provide filtering against offensive video content?

Yes. Despite this feature, the video will still have elements of distraction (some links and other videos may be included) either on the video or beside it. SafeShare offers only the video as intended by the administrator with absolutely no interruptions. Therefore, SafeShare works much better than the filter features provided by both YouTube and Vimeo.

  • Do SafeShare links expire?

No. They do not expire. Depending on the subscription that an individual has, it also has the feature of claiming past videos that were created on the platform by the administrator.

  • Sometimes the links do not load for me. Why is that?

The most likely reason for this is that the browser you are using is incompatible with the software. SafeShare is compatible with most current browsers. Therefore, try upgrading your present browser. If this does not work try using another browser altogether. Should the problem persist, then kindly get in touch with the SafeShare customer support team through their website for additional assistance.

  • If YouTube or Vimeo is one of the blocked sites in a school, will SafeShare work?

Whether this works or not is dependent on how the school has configured its proxy filtering. If you think that the school network has been set up to ensure that SafeShare video watching is blocked, then ask the school IT department to contact the SafeShare customer support team. They will offer their assistance in solving the matter.

  • Is it legal to use SafeShare?

Yes, it is legal to use SafeShare. The software only uses legal and authorized YouTube developer tools therefore, is officially authorized.


SafeShare has two distinct pricing plans. One is the Single Plan and under this, there is the Free Plan and the SafeShare Premium Plan. Then there is the Organization Plan. They are as below:

  •   Single Plan

Here there are two plans, one is the Free Plan and the Premium Plan. The Premium SafeShare plan begins at $4.99 per month or $49.99 annually. There is also a free version as indicated. This free version offers range adjustment features, allows one to create a maximum of 20 SafeViews, two playlists, 10 contacts, and two circles. The software also has a free trial period. The free 7-day trial is only offered for the Premium Plan. One will have unrestricted access to all premium features of SafeShare. These features are including the ones offered by the free plan is also the capability of creating custom URLs and the ability to claim past views. Once an individual subscribes to the software and enters their billing details, they begin being charged after the 7-day free trial period.

  • Organization Plan

When it comes to the Organization Plan, one seat is equal to one premium account. The quote varies with the number of seats and period of months that one would need the account to last for. For example, two seats for one month cost a total of $8.98. If the period was extended to 12 months for the same number of seats, the total cost would be $91.60 with a discount of 15%. The discount is applicable only if the period exceeds 12 months. Therefore, the total amount would continue to vary depending on the number of seats and period of time indicated. The Organizational Plan offers the capability of range adjustment on the video and it allows one to create a maximum of 20 SafeViews. It also allows the administrator to create two playlists, 10 contacts, two circles, custom URLs, claim past videos, and finally, allows for granular permission.

An individual may also choose to change their subscription at any time. This can be done by going to the ‘Subscription’ tab on the website. SafeShare has no minimum contract. Therefore, should one wish to change their plan or cancel it, it is possible. When it comes to planning change, one can contact the SafeShare support team for assistance. SafeShare accepts payment via all major credit cards, Amazon Pay, Purchase Orders, and Wire Transfer, it also accepts payment via Paypal.

Quick Reviews:

 Website Layout

SafeShare review

The SafeShare website layout ( is a simple one. The header section of the website has links that will redirect a visitor to the main pages of the site. These main links are Pricing and FAQ. In addition, next to FAQ is an icon to choose languages that a visitor may be comfortable using. They are English, Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish. Next to this icon is the Sign-In tab.

On the home page and as one continues scrolling down, the website explains what SafeShare does in deeper detail. It also shows the number of videos created by the software. Below this, the site explains who the site is meant for and how it may be of service to the different individuals. Finally, in the footer section of the website, there are quick links to other pages of the SafeShare website. The links that fall under ‘Quick Links’ are Pricing, Donate, FAQs’, Contact Us, Test Your Connection, and Affiliates. The other major category is ‘Legal’ and the links that fall under this are Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, and DMCA. At the footer section and beside the quick links to the left, the site also displays a short history of SafeShare under ‘About SafeShare’.

Shopping Processing

Start the process by clicking on the ‘Sign-In’ tab on the home page or the ‘Subscribe’ tab on the Pricing page. The Free Plan needs no subscription. On the other hand, the Premium Plan and the Organization Plan need one to subscribe to in order to use. Upon subscription, one has to choose the number of users and period of time to get a quote. Once the quote is calculated, the user will be requested to purchase the plan. This is the shopping process complete.

Order & Payment

Upon being shown the pricing for the total quote, one will be prompted to click on ‘Purchase’. The payment window will appear. Here one will be prompted to fill in their payment details. Once this is done, at the bottom of the window is the ‘Pay’ tab. To finish the payment process one will click on it.

Customer Service

SafeShare has various customer support options on its site. One is under the FAQ section where one with any general queries about the software may see whether the information there will be of assistance. Also, at the footer section and under the ‘Contact Us’ link, a visitor to the site may get in touch with customer support for any specific queries.

SafeShare Review –Does SafeShare Really Work?

Yes, SafeShare does work. At present, there are over 15 million SafeViews that have been created. The software can be used by anyone with the need but is mostly used by parents, individuals in the marketing industry, teachers, webmasters, and more. As of now, it comes with a 20% off coupon code therefore its use comes with an incentive. SafeShare removes advertisements, links, and annotations from videos on YouTube and Vimeo. For this purpose, the software is ideal for use by teachers, marketers, and parents alike. However, SafeShare does not restrict its use to specific people or industries but is useable especially to teachers. It offers them the opportunity to share video content with their students without worrying about inappropriate content. The sharing can be done via Google Classroom, different social media platforms such as Facebook, and also via email. For teachers, SafeShare also saves time on video preparation, saves against having potentially inappropriate ad pre-rolls or other nuisances. When it comes to some aspects of editing videos, YouTube allows for a start time for a video, but not an end-time. With SafeShare one of its features allows for this. One can also edit the title or description of a video.

Therefore, marketers, webmasters, and others have this editing capability to customize videos and make them more appealing for their use. Parents can also use all these features when it comes to creating content for their children, especially to avoid the risk of inappropriate content, placing age restrictions on content, and using filters to give their children age-appropriate content. SafeShare also allows users to create and customize playlists, record contact details, and even shorten URLs. Administrators can also preview videos before sharing them with others. Also, to enable sharing of videos, SafeShare offers webmasters and even marketers to share a QR code or link with individuals allowing only specific persons to view certain videos.

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